category: Job Seeker Tips

News, advice and thought leadership from our experts.

Employees socialize in the kitchen of their office
Job Seeker Tips

Resume Resources for Job Seekers

Resume resources for job seekers Creating a strong, polished resume is crucial for job seekers in any field. But some job seekers in fields like…
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Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementEmployer TipsJob Seeker Tips

How to Become a Sales Engineer

Sales Engineering 101 Do you want to know how to become a sales engineer? We are glad you are interested, but understanding the ins and outs…
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Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementJob Seeker Tips

Top 6 Certifications in Accounting

The accounting industry is a super competitive industry filled with excellent career opportunities. Accountants are always in demand, and seeking the proper certifications can advance…
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An NCW recruiter interviews a candidate over the phone
Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementJob Seeker Tips

The Art of Interviewing...NCW Style.

Putting the NCW in Interviewing… At NCW, our recruiters work hard to get our candidates interviews for jobs. We consult with our candidates before every…
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NCW employees socializing in the office kitchen
Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementJob Seeker Tips

What it Means to be Built Differently

What does it mean to be Built Different? When we say NCW is built differently, we mean it. We may share space in this industry,…
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Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementJob Seeker Tips

Public or Private Accounting - Choosing What's Best for You

Do you know the differences between Public and Private Accounting? Keep reading to learn more about the different career fields and what you should consider…
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CNC Machine
Job Seeker TipsManufacturing

CNC Machinists: The Artists of Manufacturing

CNC Machining: A Dying Art Where are all the skilled machinists? We’ve asked ourselves this question often as we scour our resources to find…
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Catt to action
Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementJob Seeker Tips

A Call to Action: NCW Provides Relief for Colorado Fire Victims

A Call to Action: Relief for Colorado Fire Victims   On December 30th, 2021, a tragedy struck our Denver office’s backyard. Over 900 homes and businesses in…
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I have a Plan Account Manager
Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementJob Seeker Tips

Account Manager Should Be Your Next Career Move.

Are you a result oriented relationship builder and a strong communicator? Read more to see why an Account Manager Position may be right for you.   …
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A recruiter speaks on the phone with a passive candidate in her pipeline
Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementJob Seeker Tips

Connect with a Recruiter, Even If You Aren't Looking.

Many people ask us, “Should I should I still connect with a recruiter, even if I’m not currently looking for a new job?” Our…
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NCW employees share how they use LinkedIn to benefit their business
Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementJob Seeker Tips

LinkedIn or Left Out Part 2: The Importance of Interacting

And so the LinkedIn saga continues! Make sure to read the first blog LinkedIn or Left Out Part 1: Users Just Wanna Have Fun!    Last time…
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NCW employees talk about how to utilize LinkedIn to benefit their business
Direct Hire / Permanent PlacementEmployer TipsJob Seeker Tips

LinkedIn or Left Out, Part 1: Users Just Wanna Have Fun

There are 3.96 billion people use social media worldwide, and everyone has a favorite. If you prefer watching short videos, there’s TikTok, if you prefer…
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