Client testimonial from NCW's client, McCrory Construction

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McCrory Construction Builds a Winning Team with NCW

In the construction industry, assembling the right team is essential for success. McCrory Construction, a leading general contractor, knows this well. With Allen Bridgers, President of Construction, at the helm, McCrory has partnered with NCW to tackle one of their biggest challenges: finding the right people for the right roles. This partnership has allowed McCrory to maintain its high standards and continue delivering exceptional projects.

At McCrory, culture is everything. “Anybody can go build buildings, anybody can be a general contractor, but we have to work really hard on our culture internally because it immediately transfers outside to the owners we’re working with, the architects, engineers, subcontractors, and all the people we encounter,” explains Allen. McCrory’s core values—doing the right thing, focusing on solutions, and continuous improvement—shape every aspect of the company, including hiring decisions.

For McCrory, it’s crucial that their recruiting partners understand these values. That’s where NCW has excelled. From the moment NCW reached out, they demonstrated a keen understanding of McCrory’s culture and staffing needs. Allen recalls, “Larry found me through an Indeed post, and we just kind of hit it off from there. He’s really begun to learn our culture and what sets us apart. That’s been really helpful as we’ve built on that relationship.”

One of McCrory’s biggest staffing challenges is finding the right candidates for roles like traveling superintendents. As Allen explains, “We’re a traveling GC, and traveling is sometimes a hard role to fill. Especially for candidates with families, it can be a tough sell.”

This is where NCW’s ability to tailor its approach shines. Rather than sending over a flood of resumes, NCW focuses on quality. “What I appreciate about Larry is that he’s not pushy. He doesn’t follow up too much, but he follows up enough,” says Allen. This thoughtful approach saves time and ensures that when McCrory is ready to hire, they’re presented with top-tier candidates who are a great cultural fit.

NCW also understands the need for speed when it comes to recruitment. “Larry’s great on the follow-up aspect. He knows that when people are actively looking for a job, we need to move fast. And he’s really good at helping us do that,” Allen adds. This ability to move quickly while maintaining quality has made NCW a key partner for McCrory’s staffing needs.

Over the past two years, NCW has become a trusted resource for McCrory. “There’s been a lot of staffing agencies we’ve used in the past, but only a few that are our go-to folks who really know us. NCW is one of them,” Allen notes. The strong relationship between the two companies has been built on trust, communication, and a shared commitment to success.

McCrory’s reliance on NCW goes beyond just filling roles—they trust NCW to understand their timing and needs. “If I tell Larry we need five people in November, he’s not sending me resumes in October unless it’s an exceptional candidate,” says Allen. This level of attentiveness and care has made NCW an invaluable partner.

By working together, McCrory and NCW are building more than just successful projects—they’re building a future grounded in teamwork, trust, and mutual growth.