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Recruiting Trends in Manufacturing

Are you feeling stressed out when looking for a new job or a fresh start? Do you just want to give up and go back to your nine-to-five that you hate? Don’t throw in the towel just yet! There’s hope for you. As a recruiting and staffing company we know the stress that can come from job hunting. Our job is to take the stress out of job searching for you, and helping you find the perfect fit. If you haven’t considered it before, the manufacturing industry has very lucrative career opportunities long-term. It might be the perfect fit you’ve been looking for. “The U.S. manufacturing growth by year has averaged a 3.6% increase dating back to 1920.”[1] However, recent all-time highs in production and technological advancements show continued promise for the manufacturing industry overview in years to come.

Manufacturing Industry Trends

The Deloitte company recently published survey results showing manufacturing industry news and what its future holds. “One survey estimated that the manufacturing sector would be short 2.1 million skilled workers by 2030.”[2] With this shortage of skilled workers rounding out the decade, training and experience in manufacturing will continue to rise in value. As demand for these skills increases, the compensation for those who have them will rise proportionately. Companies have to incorporate their best strategies that they have to fulfill their wants and needs. Another notable manufacturing statistic is that, “U.S. manufacturing output for 2021 was $2,497.13B, a 11.55% increase from 2020.”[3] It is evident that the increase in production has caused a shortage in the workforce. The shortage will only increase as more factories and companies join the sector to fulfill the demand for production.

Manufacturing Recruitment Process

Our recruitment process in the manufacturing industry has become second nature for our recruiters. We strive to be experts in our fields no matter what recruiting trends in manufacturing are forecasted for the future. Our aim as recruiters is always to be more than a voice behind a call, one of our core values. This resonates with all of us. We don’t just place candidates for the sake of filling a hiring manager’s order. We make sure it is a good fit and really get to know our candidates personally so that we can find their perfect fit. Honesty goes a long way in the recruiting industry and that is one of our big differentiators. Our recruiters often go the extra mile, literally, by driving to the jobsite to meet candidates for interview day or their first day on the job. This is how we add our personal touch to recruitment in the manufacturing industry.

HR Challenges in Manufacturing Industry

The biggest challenge in HR across the board, is always going to be salary. However, an HR trend in manufacturing industry is that there will be a steady increase in pay. Wages are forecasted to be raised by an average of 3%. Increasing wages is one strategy companies are using to attract talent into the manufacturing space. A common position in the manufacturing industry is assembler. Currently a level 1 assembler is averaging $18.18 an hour. With experience and/or higher-level training this quickly increases and, as mentioned above, this pay is going to increase in the next few years because of the demand. In another Deloitte survey, “75% of manufacturers said they’d raise wages by an average of 3% in 2023.”[4] It is all happening for a reason and companies are being strategic with pay increases.

These recruiting trends in manufacturing should encourage entry into an industry with a positive outlook and a bright future for years to come. Your stressful job search can end here with us.

With NCW, we make connections and partnerships that really matter. Our team has 23+ years of experience in the recruiting and staff industry, so we know how to make the most of the opportunities we are given. You won’t regret your decision if you choose to rely on us for your staffing needs. We care about candidates and clients alike, always wanting to achieve their highest goals. Check out our job board and get in touch with a recruiter today! We can’t wait to hear from you and start your search for your dream job.

[1] https://tradingeconomics.com

[2] www.deloitte.com

[3] www.macrotrends.net

[4] www.deloitte.com