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This Woman’s Work 

Women make up 1.5% of the construction industry. 

In other industries women earn on average 81% of what men make. 

In construction, women make 99% of what men make.

Women in construction are needed, wanted, and highly respected. 

Cities With the Most Women in Construction | Construction Coverage


Women in Construction Week 

National Women in Construction Week highlights the value women bring to the Construction industry. It takes determination and perseverance to go into construction. Overcoming labels and tearing down the stereotypes of a male-dominated industry is a difficult task and not one many choose to take on. 


During National Women in Construction Week we reached out to several female NCW employees in the field to hear about their experiences.  


Maria’s Story 

For our first interview, we spoke with Maria. Maria works for us as an electrician located out in the east coast. Maria shared that her experience in, “Construction can be a very intimidating field for women, and it’s difficult to get accommodated.” Even though she feels the setback of being one of few women in her field, she has a strong bond with the other women who experience the same struggles she does. “We have each other’s backs in the field. It’s an unspoken unity that allows us to overcome any obstacles we face. Maria expressed how daunting her work environment is at times, but also how rewarding it can be. “I’m very fortunate to be able to go out and show that women are capable of doing the ‘dirty’ and hard-working’ jobs. With the support of NCW I feel heavily encouraged and appreciated for everything I do.” 


Karol’s Story 

Karol is another NCW woman that we sat down to talk to about her experience. She has a very positive outlook on the work she does and expressed how grateful she was to be alongside other women like her. “I’m fortunate to work with women who show up every day completely motivated to take on every tough job.” Karol also voiced how construction and the support of NCW helps her achieve her goals and dreams while taking care of her family. “I’m incredibly grateful that I’m able to go to work every day and still achieve everything I set my mind to.” 


The Change 

These women are proof that Construction isn’t just a field for men. It may be considered “tough” and “dirty” work, but women bring unique value and perspective to this industry. At NCW, we see the difference they make, and we love being able to hire them. 


Construction may be a male-dominated world, but with women like Maria, Karol, and so many more this industry will change. Change takes time and the industry may evolve slowly, but NCW commits to being a catalyst for this change. 



If this post grabbed your interest, take a look at our job postings on our website to see if one might be the right fit for you! Our recruiters are always willing to pick up the phone to talk to you. We want more female voices in the field, and we will do everything we can to provide the support and encouragement to make it happen.

Take Time to Celebrate Women in Construction | For Construction Pros